PROJECT STAGE Completed 2005
PROJECT TEAM Charissa Snijders, Peter Crowe & Gabrielle Hofmann Mosaic Magic
The design of the mosaic came effortlessly. In some ways it felt like an unpeeling of the existing tiles surface and once scrapped away it was just like it had always been there; waiting for someone to find it. Starting with the flower of life pattern the design hardly altered through its gestation. From the early hand drawn sketch, to computer, to than finding the tiles and then back to the computer to ensure that the design could be transferred to mosaic. Working collaboratively with the artist Gabrielle, who lovingly pieced it together tile by tile on a mezzanine floor over a florist, surrounded in red roses in preparation for Valentines Day.
And throughout the renovations, I felt continuously supported and encouraged by wonderful clients who from the start had faith and trust in the process.