Regenerative Practice


Regenesis Group, leaders in Regenerative practice, state that there are five progressive levels of partnership when participating with living systems. The five levels are:

meeting minimum standards for social and environmental protection

Doing less harm
a partnership based on arresting disorder and minimizing negative footprints

a life-sustaining partnership. Sustaining dynamic balance and healthy functioning.

a life-enhancing partnership. Maximising positive handprints and doing good.

a co-evolving partnership. Catalysing mutually-beneficial transformations.

It is our intent that we work within the regenerative level of partnership.

A living project is a living system which is part of a nested system. In simple terms, there is an inter-connectedness of people connected to the project, the project to place, its immediate context outside of the defined boundaries and the greater whole. To access the full potential of people and place is when these systems are understood and are mutually reinforcing each other.

Within our process, prior to designing or even completing the brief, we begin to ask questions such as:

What is your own potential within this place, what inspirational goals do we seek to realise, and how we can collectively partner with the nested systems in which we belong?

After the building of this project, can this project continue an ongoing evolution with itself and the surrounding community?

How do we create a project that is healthy and resilient?

At the conceptual stage, taking a regenerative practice framework we start by looking at stories of place, and the potential of both the people and place. We look at how the local people describe their place and what they love about their place and the natural boundaries that define place (for more information on this, please refer to CSA website - Inspire and explore and The Regenesis Group website).